Hotel ReservationTop

Hotel rates are based on a per night per person basis including service charge and consumption tax.

Please note that "Date of Stay" means"Night of stay".
i.e. if you check in on 2024/09/28 and check out on 2024/10/04, please click 2024/09/28 for check-in and the 2024/10/04 for check-out on the calendar.

Room rate:
1) September 28th 2024

 One person JPY28,000
Two persons JPY14,000/per person 

2) September 29th - October 3rd 2024:

 One person  JPY23,000
Two persons JPY11,500/per person

breakfast is included in the accommodation.
*Accommodation fee includesVAT taxes.

Online reservation by August 20 (Japanese Standard Time)
Payment for accommodation is to be made by credit card in Japanese Yen.

Cancellation policy

All cancellations and amendments should be notified in writing (email) to Nippon Travel Agency (NTA) during the business hours (e.g. A cancellaion received at 17:31 of Friday will be treated as the one received on Monday of the next week.)

Nippon Travel Agency (NTA)
Business hours: 09:30-17:30 (Japan time)
*Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays

Reservations cancelled will be subject to the following cancellation charges:

... cancellation by 2024/08/26
... No penalty

... cancellation from 2024/08/27 to 09/12
..... 50% of all reserved nights' accommodation fees

... cancellation from 2024/09/13 to arrival day
..... 100% of all reserved nights' accommodation fees

For details, click the name of the hotel.
Please check "the Terms and Conditions of hotel reservation".
You are kindly requested to agree to our "Travel Terms and Conditions" before making a reservation. Click on "Travel Terms and Conditions" and save the page that appears. If you wish to have your documents delivered by mail, please contact us.

Select the number of guests from the "Number of guests in a room" drop-down list below.
* means there are more than 20 rooms.
Accommodation Name/Location Booking plan Rate (per person) Night(s) of Stay
Available Rooms
Reservation Request