
Welcome to the application page for Tochigi Prefecture Japanese Martial Arts (Budo) Tourism Trial Tour will be held in Tochigi prefecture area from Tuesday, 29th October to Thursday, 31st October 2024.

Application Deadline
 Friday, 20th September 2024 at 5:00 PM JST (Japan Standard Time; UTC+0900).

Updated  02/09/2024(dd/mm/yyyy) Applications Open Now

Tour Description

Tour Name
 Japanese Martial Arts (Budo) Tourism Trial Tour in Tochigi Prefecture.
 *FY 2024 Japan Sports Agency National Subsidy Project.

Tour Duration
 Tuesday, 29th October 2024 ~ Thursday, 31st October 2024

 Free of Charge
 *Transportation costs to the meeting place, personal expenses for souvenirs etc.
 and the dinner expenses for the first and third days are not covered.

 Foreign residents in Japan who are interested in Japanese martial arts (Budo),
 given the following:
 All applicants must be able to post about the trial tour on social media at least
 As part of this trial tour, you will be asked to submit a total of three surveys
 (before the tour, on the final day of the tour, and after the tour).

Number of Participants
 Capacity: 20 participants
 Minimum Participants: 10
 *If many applications are received, participants will be selected by lottery
 (results will be announced by the end of September).

Meeting Time & Place
 Meeting Time:   9:45 AM
 Meeting Place:  JR Oyama Station (East Exit)
 Departure Time:   10:00 AM

Tour Terminates & Place
 Tour Terminates:   3:30 PM
 Dismissing Place:  JR Utsunomiya Station (East Exit)

Tour Guide
 An English-speaking tour guide will accompany the group
 from JR Oyama Station to JR Utsunomiya Station

Chartered Bus
 Tochigi Kotsu Bus (tentative)

What`s Included in the Package
 The cost of chartered buses, accommodation, meals, sightseeing and experience
 fees (kyudo, tea ceremony and zazen), consumption tax, other taxes, service
 charges, etc., as specified in the itinerary.

 Participants of this tour will be covered by domestic travel accident insurance.
 The insurance coverage is as follows:
 Insurance Company: Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
 - Injury Death and Residual Disability: 17,600,000 yen
 - Daily Hospitalization Benefit: 9,800 yen
 - Surgical Benefit (10 times the daily hospitalization benefit for surgeries during
  hospitalization, or 5 times the daily hospitalization benefit for surgeries except
  during of hospitalization)
 - Outpatient Benefit: 6,450 yen per day
 - Liability(No Deductible): 10,000,000 yen

What’s NOT Included in the Package
 *Transportation costs to the meeting place, personal expenses for souvenirs etc.
 and the dinner expenses for the first and third days.

How to Apply

- Step 1 - Click here to create your My page in the system.
       *Once you have an account - Login with your email address and password.
- Step 2 - Click Tour application to register for the tour.
       *You will receive a confirmation email after each of these first two steps.
- Step 3 - Click Confirm/Change to make sure or change your registration.

* Please note that a confirmation email which will be sent to you upon completion of the "New Record - Input Form" does not mean the completion of your registration.

Contact Us:

Tochigi Branch, Nippon Travel Agency Co., Ltd.
2-3 Kawaicho, Tochigi City, Tochigi Pref. 328-0041 Japan
Tel. +81-(0)282-23-3205 FAX. +81-(0)282-22-7473
Business hour: 9:30 am ~17:30 pm
Closed on weekends and Japanese National Holidays
Person in charge:Riho Ishihara