JR四國觀光列車預約/Reservation for JR Shikoku Sightseeing TrainsTop

【JR SHIKOKU Sightseeing Trains】
JR Ticket+ Onboard Meal Package Application

★☆★For reservations from 3/16 to the end of June ★☆★

We are going to accept your request from the beginning of February.
We will inform you of the result at least 28 days prior to your departure.
We look forward to receiving your request.

我們將在您出發前至少 28 天通知您結果。

Click→→[Application for boarding date after 3/16]

This product includes below

■① JR Sightseeing Train (Reserved Seats/One Way) *Seats CANNOT be chosen
■② Special Onboard Meal *Vegetarian Meals NOT arrangeable
■③ Ticket Sending to your hotel in Japan *BnB NOT acceptable
*Caution* This is NOT real-time system but request-booking. NTA replies whether confirmed or not confirmed about 2 days before request or 28 days before riding.


■① 特快車票和特別車票(單程) *不能選擇座位
■② 列車內的特製午餐盒 *不提供素食菜單
■③ 寄送車票到您在日本的酒店的費用 *沒有可用的 BnB 和海外地址
*注意* 該系統上的庫存不是實時的。在您詢問後NTA 將安排車票,NTA將在乘車日期前28天回复 OK 或 NO 到您註冊的電子郵件。(如果預訂的車次是一個月以內,我們會在預訂後的兩天內回复)

【Cancellation Policy 取消政策】
①付款前取消 Cancellation before payment
*無需取消費用 No cancellation fee required

②乘車日期前 30 天至 8 天 / 30 days to 8 days prior to the date of the departure
*需要 10% 的取消費用(通過您的信用卡退款)/ 10% cancellation charge required (refund by your credit card)

③乘車日期前 7 天至 0 天 / 7 days to 0 days prior to the date of the departure
*需要 100% 的取消費用 (不能退款) / No refundable

■伊予灘物語 Iyonada Monogatari■
■松山 Matsuyama ←→伊予大洲・八幡浜 Iyo Ozu & Yawatahama■
Click→→[Matsuyama 8:26 - Iyo Ozu 10:28:大洲編]
Click→→[Iyo Ozu 10:57 - Matsuyama 13:01:双海編]
Click→→[Matsuyama 13:31 - Yawatahama 15:50:八幡浜編]
Click→→[yawatahama 16:14 - Matsuyama 18:17:道後編]

■四國真中千年物語 Shikoku Mannaka Sennen Monogatari■
■多度津・琴平 Tadotsu & Kotohira ←→大歩危 Oboke■
Click→→[Tadotsu (多度津) 10:19 - Oboke (大歩危) 12:47]
Click→→[Oboke (大歩危) 14:21 - Tadotsu (多度津) 17:14]

■志国土佐 時代黎明物語 Shikoku Tosa Toki no Yoake no Monogatari■
■高知 Kochi ←→土佐久礼・窪川 Tosa Kure & Kubokawa■
Click→→[Kochi (高知) 12:04 - Kubokawa (窪川) 14:40]
Click→→[Kubokawa (窪川) 15:13 - Kochi (高知) 17:53]

For details, click the name of the tours.
You are kindly requested to agree to our "Travel Terms and Conditions" before making a reservation. Click on "Travel Terms and Conditions" and save the page that appears. If you wish to have your documents delivered by mail, please contact us.

21 or more = "*", Up to 20 = Real number

Iyonada Monogatari (Matsuyama 8:26 DEP / meal incl.) 伊予灘物語[大洲編]

*1: Iyonada Monogatari (Ozu-Hen) 大洲編
Matsuyama (松山8:26) - Iyo Ozu (伊予大洲10:28)
If you plan to use Japan Rail Pass, All Shikoku Rail Pass or Setouchi Area Pass, select the "JRP" field.

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *1 Matsuyama 8:26/Adult JPY 11,900
*1 Matsuyama 8:26/Child JPY 11,400
*1 Matsuyama 8:26/JRP Adult JPY 8,900
*1 Matsuyama 8:26/JRP Child JPY 8,400
2024/03/09 0 Reservation
2024/03/10 0 Reservation

Iyonada Monogatari (Iyo Ozu 10:57 DEP/ meal incl.) 伊予灘物語[双海編]

This products includes ONE-WAY only.
*2: Iyonada Monogatari (Futami-Hen) 双海編
Iyo Ozu (伊予大洲10:57) - Matsuyama (松山13:01)
If you plan to use Japan Rail Pass or All Shikoku Rail Pass, select the "JRP" field.

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *2 Iyo Ozu 10:57/Adult JPY 14,400
*2 Iyo Ozu 10:57/Child JPY 13,900
*2 Iyo Ozu 10:57/JRP Adult JPY 11,400
*2 Iyo Ozu 10:57/JRP Child JPY 10,900
2024/03/09 0 no reservation
2024/03/10 0 Reservation

Iyonada Monogatari (Matsuyama 13:31 DEP/ meal incl.) 伊予灘物語[八幡浜編]

This products includes ONE-WAY only.
*1: Iyonada Monogatari (Yawatahama-Hen) 八幡浜編
Matsuyama (松山13:31) - Yawatahama (八幡浜15:50)
If you plan to use Japan Rail Pass or All Shikoku Rail Pass, select the "JRP" field.
You can board/exit either train at Iyo-Ozu(伊予大洲), but you cannot return to the tour once you exit the ticket gate after getting off the train.

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *1 Matsuyama 13:31/Adult JPY 14,400
*1 Matsuyama 13:31/Child JPY 13,900
*1 Matsuyama 13:31/JRP Adult JPY 11,400
*1 Matsuyama 13:31/JRP Child JPY 10,900
2024/03/09 0 Reservation
2024/03/10 0 no reservation

Iyonada Monogatari (Yawatahama 16:14 DEP/ meal incl.) 伊予灘物語[道後編]

This products includes ONE-WAY only.
*2: Iyonada Monogatari (Dogo-Hen) 道後編
Yawatahama (八幡浜16:14) - Matsuyama (松山18:17)
If you plan to use Japan Rail Pass or All Shikoku Rail Pass, select the "JRP" field.
You can board/exit either train at Iyo-Ozu(伊予大洲), but you cannot return to the tour once you exit the ticket gate after getting off the train.

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *2 Yawatahama 16:14/Adult JPY 12,900
*2 Yawatahama 16:14/Child JPY 12,400
*2 Yawatahama 16:14/JRP Adult JPY 9,900
*2 Yawatahama 16:14/JRP Child JPY 9,400
2024/03/09 0 no reservation
2024/03/10 0 no reservation

Shikoku Mannaka Sennen Monogatari (Tadotsu 10:19 DEP/Meal Incl.) / 四國真中千年物語(空之郷紀行/含午餐)

This products includes ONE-WAY only.
*1: Soranosato-Kiko そらの郷紀行
Tadotsu (多度津10:19) - Kotohira (琴平10:48) -- Oboke (大歩危 12:47)
If you plan to use Japan Rail Pass or All Shikoku Rail Pass, select the "JRP" field.

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *1 Tadotsu / Kotihira Dep (Adult) JPY 13,900
*1 Tadotsu / Kotihira Dep (Child) JPY 13,400
*1 Tadotsu / Kotihira Dep (JRP Adult) JPY 10,900
*1 Tadotsu / Kotihira Dep (JRP Child) JPY 10,400
2024/03/01 0 Reservation
2024/03/02 0 no reservation
2024/03/03 0 Reservation
2024/03/04 0 Reservation
2024/03/08 0 Reservation
2024/03/09 0 Reservation
2024/03/10 0 Reservation
2024/03/11 0 Reservation
2024/03/15 0 Reservation

Shikoku Mannaka Sennen Monogatari (Oboke 14:21 DEP/Meal Incl.) / 四國真中千年物語(幸福之郷紀行/含午餐)

This products includes ONE-WAY only.
*2: Shiawasenosato-Kiko しあわせの郷紀行
Oboke (大歩危14:21) - Kotohira (琴平16:50) - Tadotsu (多度津 17:14)
If you plan to use Japan Rail Pass or All Shikoku Rail Pass, select the "JRP" field.

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *2 Oboke Dep (Adult) JPY 13,900
*2 Oboke Dep (Child) JPY 13,400
*2 Oboke Dep (JRP Adult) JPY 10,900
*2 Oboke Dep (JRP Child) JPY 10,400
2024/03/01 0 no reservation
2024/03/02 0 no reservation
2024/03/03 0 no reservation
2024/03/04 0 Reservation
2024/03/08 0 Reservation
2024/03/09 0 no reservation
2024/03/10 0 Reservation
2024/03/11 0 Reservation
2024/03/15 0 no reservation

Shikoku Tosa Toki no Yoake no Monogatari (Kochi 12:04 DEP/Meal Incl.) 志国土佐 時代黎明物語(立志之抄/含午餐)

This products includes ONE-WAY only.
*1: Risshi no Sho 立志の抄
Kochi (高知12:04) - Kubokawa (窪川14:40)
If you plan to use Japan Rail Pass or All Shikoku Rail Pass, select the "JRP" field.
You can board/exit either train at Tosa-Kure(土佐久礼), but you cannot return to the tour once you exit the ticket gate after getting off the train.

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *1 Kochi 12:04/Adult JPY 13,300
*1 Kochi 12:04/Child JPY 12,800
*1 Kochi 12:04/JRP Adult JPY 10,300
*1 Kochi 12:04/JRP Child JPY 9,800
2024/03/01 0 no reservation
2024/03/02 0 no reservation
2024/03/03 0 Reservation
2024/03/04 0 no reservation
2024/03/08 0 Reservation
2024/03/09 0 no reservation
2024/03/10 0 Reservation
2024/03/11 0 no reservation
2024/03/15 0 no reservation

Shikoku Tosa Toki no Yoake no Monogatari (Kubokawa 15:13 DEP/Meal Incl.) 志国土佐 時代黎明物語(開花之抄/含午餐)

This products includes ONE-WAY only.
*2: Kaika no Sho 開花の抄
Kubokawa (窪川15:13) - Kochi (高知17:53)
If you plan to use Japan Rail Pass or All Shikoku Rail Pass, select the "JRP" field.
You can board/exit either train at Tosa-Kure(土佐久礼), but you cannot return to the tour once you exit the ticket gate after getting off the train.

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *2 Kubokawa 15:13/Adult JPY 13,300
*2 Kubokawa 15:13/Child JPY 12,800
*2 Kubokawa 15:13/JRP Adult JPY 10,300
*2 Kubokawa 15:13/JRP Child JPY 9,800
2024/03/01 0 no reservation
2024/03/02 0 no reservation
2024/03/03 0 no reservation
2024/03/04 0 no reservation
2024/03/08 0 Reservation
2024/03/09 0 no reservation
2024/03/10 0 no reservation
2024/03/11 0 Reservation
2024/03/15 0 no reservation

Iyonada Monogatari (AM Dep. / meal incl.) 伊予灘物語(早上出發)

This products includes ONE-WAY only. Please choose either train.
*1: Iyonada Monogatari (Ozu-Hen) 大洲編
Matsuyama (松山8:26) - Iyo Ozu (伊予大洲10:28)
*2: Iyonada Monogatari (Futami-Hen) 双海編
Iyo Ozu (伊予大洲10:57) - Matsuyama (松山13:01)
If you plan to use Japan Rail Pass or All Shikoku Rail Pass, select the "JRP" field.

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *1 Matsuyama 8:26/Adult JPY 11,900
*1 Matsuyama 8:26/Child JPY 11,400
*1 Matsuyama 8:26/JRP Adult JPY 8,900
*1 Matsuyama 8:26/JRP Child JPY 8,400
*2 Iyo Ozu 10:57/Adult JPY 14,400
*2 Iyo Ozu 10:57/Child JPY 13,900
*2 Iyo Ozu 10:57/JRP Adult JPY 11,400
*2 Iyo Ozu 10:57/JRP Child JPY 10,900

Iyonada Monogatari (PM Dep. / meal incl.) 伊予灘物語(下午出發)

This products includes ONE-WAY only. Please choose either train.
*1: Iyonada Monogatari (Yawatahama-Hen) 八幡浜編
Matsuyama (松山13:31) - Yawatahama (八幡浜15:50)
*2: Iyonada Monogatari (Dogo-Hen) 道後編
Yawatahama (八幡浜16:14) - Matsuyama (松山18:17)
If you plan to use Japan Rail Pass or All Shikoku Rail Pass, select the "JRP" field.
You can board/exit either train at Iyo-Ozu(伊予大洲), but you cannot return to the tour once you exit the ticket gate after getting off the train.

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *1 Matsuyama 13:31/Adult JPY 14,400
*1 Matsuyama 13:31/Child JPY 13,900
*1 Matsuyama 13:31/JRP Adult JPY 11,400
*1 Matsuyama 13:31/JRP Child JPY 10,900
*2 Yawatahama 16:14/Adult JPY 12,900
*2 Yawatahama 16:14/Child JPY 12,400
*2 Yawatahama 16:14/JRP Adult JPY 9,900
*2 Yawatahama 16:14/JRP Child JPY 9,400

Shikoku Mannaka Sennen Monogatari (Meal Incl.) / 四國真中千年物語(含午餐)

This products includes ONE-WAY only. Please choose either train.
*1: Soranosato-Kiko そらの郷紀行
Tadotsu (多度津10:19) - Kotohira (琴平10:48) -- Oboke (大歩危 12:47)
*2: Shiawasenosato-Kiko しあわせの郷紀行
Oboke (大歩危14:21) - Kotohira (琴平16:50) - Tadotsu (多度津 17:14)
If you plan to use Japan Rail Pass or All Shikoku Rail Pass, select the "JRP" field.

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *1 Tadotsu / Kotihira Dep (Adult) JPY 13,900
*1 Tadotsu / Kotihira Dep (Child) JPY 13,400
*1 Tadotsu / Kotihira Dep (JRP Adult) JPY 10,900
*1 Tadotsu / Kotihira Dep (JRP Child) JPY 10,400
*2 Oboke Dep (Adult) JPY 13,900
*2 Oboke Dep (Child) JPY 13,400
*2 Oboke Dep (JRP Adult) JPY 10,900
*2 Oboke Dep (JRP Child) JPY 10,400

Shikoku Tosa Toki no Yoake no Monogatari (Meal Incl.) 志国土佐 時代黎明物語(含午餐)

This products includes ONE-WAY only. Please choose either train.
*1: Kirameki no Sho 煌海の抄
Kochi (高知12:00) - Nahari (奈半利14:35)
*2: Yuhi no Sho 雄飛の抄
Nahari (奈半利15:18) - Kochi (高知17:57)

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
Meal Included 含餐  *1 Kochi 12:00/Adult JPY 14,800
*1 Kochi 12:00/Child JPY 14,300
*2 Nahari 15:18/Adult JPY 14,800
*2 Nahari 15:18/Child JPY 14,300

伊予灘物語(早上出發/含餐) Iyonada Monogatari (AM Dep. / meal incl.)

 ・伊予大洲(10:57)→→ 松山(13:01)
※如果您持有 JAPAN RAIL PASS 或 ALL SHIKOKU rail pass,請以[持票人]身份預訂。

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
含餐 Meal Included 成人(Adult) 松山出發 Matsuyama 8:26 JPY
成人(Adult) 伊予大洲出發 Iyo-Ozu 10:57 JPY
兒童(Child) 松山出發 Matsuyama 8:26 JPY
兒童(Child) 伊予大洲出發 Iyo-Ozu 10:57 JPY
持票的成人(Adult) 松山出發 Matsuyama 8:26 JPY
持票的成人(Adult) 伊予大洲出發 Iyo-Ozu 10:57 JPY
持票的兒童(Child) 松山出發 Matsuyama 8:26 JPY
持票的兒童(Child) 伊予大洲出發 Iyo-Ozu 10:57 JPY

伊予灘物語(下午出發/含餐) Iyonada Monogatari (PM Dep. / meal incl.)

 ・八幡浜(16:14)→伊予大洲(16:33)→→ 松山(18:17)
※如果您持有 JAPAN RAIL PASS 或 ALL SHIKOKU rail pass,請以[持票人]身份預訂。

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
含餐 Meal Included 成人(Adult) 松山出發 Matsuyama 13:31 JPY
成人(Adult) 八幡浜出發 Yawatahama 16:14 JPY
成人(Adult) 伊予大洲出發 Iyo-Ozu 16:33 JPY
兒童(Child) 松山出發 Matsuyama 13:31 JPY
兒童(Child) 八幡浜出發 Yawatahama 16:14 JPY
兒童(Child) 伊予大洲出發 Iyo-Ozu 16:33 JPY
持票的成人(Adult) 松山出發 Matsuyama 13:31 JPY
持票的成人(Adult) 八幡浜出發 Yawatahama 16:14 JPY
持票的成人(Adult) 伊予大洲出發 Iyo-Ozu 16:33 JPY
持票的兒童(Child) 松山出發 Matsuyama 13:31 JPY
持票的兒童(Child) 八幡浜出發 Yawatahama 16:14 JPY
持票的兒童(Child) 伊予大洲出發 Iyo-Ozu 16:33 JPY

四國真中千年物語(含午餐) Shikoku Mannaka Sennen Monogatari

※如果您持有 JAPAN RAIL PASS 或 ALL SHIKOKU rail pass,請以[持票人]身份預訂。

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
含午餐 Lunch Included 成人(Adult) 多度津出發 Tadotsu 10:19 JPY
成人(Adult) 善通寺出發 Zentuji 10:26 JPY
成人(Adult) 琴平出發 Kotohira 10:48 JPY
成人(Adult) 大歩危出發 Oboke 14:21 JPY
兒童(Child) 多度津出發 Tadotsu 10:19 JPY
兒童(Child) 善通寺出發 Zentuji 10:26 JPY
兒童(Child) 琴平出發 Kotohira 10:48 JPY
兒童(Child) 大歩危出發 Oboke 14:21 JPY
持票的成人・多度津出發 JPY
持票的成人・善通寺出發 JPY
持票的成人・琴平出發 JPY
持票的成人・大歩危出發 JPY
持票的兒童・多度津出發 JPY
持票的兒童・善通寺出發 JPY
持票的兒童・琴平出發 JPY
持票的兒童・大歩危出發 JPY

志国土佐 時代黎明物語(含午餐) Shikoku Tosa Toki no Yoake no Monogatari

★志国土佐 時代黎明物語(立志の抄:高知出發→土佐久礼・窪川到達)
★志国土佐 時代黎明物語(開花の抄:窪川・土佐久礼出發→高知到達)
※如果您持有 JAPAN RAIL PASS 或 ALL SHIKOKU rail pass,請以[持票人]身份預訂。

Conditions Rate Departure Date
The number available Reserve
含午餐 Lunch Included 成人(Adult) 高知出發 Kochi 12:04 JPY
成人(Adult) 窪川出發 Kubokawa 15:13 JPY
成人(Adult) 土佐久礼出發 Tosa-Kure 15:46 JPY
兒童(Child) 高知出發 Kochi 12:04 JPY
兒童(Child) 窪川出發 Kubokawa 15:13 JPY
兒童(Child) 土佐久礼出發 Tosa-Kure 15:46 JPY
持票的成人(Adult) 高知出發 Kochi 12:04 JPY
持票的成人(Adult) 窪川出發 Kubokawa 15:13 JPY
持票的成人(Adult) 土佐久礼出發 Tosa-Kure 15:46 JPY
持票的兒童(Child) 高知出發 Kochi 12:04 JPY
持票的兒童(Child) 土佐久礼出發 Tosa-Kure 15:46 JPY
持票的兒童(Child) 窪川出發 Kubokawa 15:13 JPY