This online registration and reservation system, "Apollon", is secured by DigiCert services.
Your private information will be encrypted using a DigiCert SSL Certificate to secure you against wiretapping, falsification, spoofing etc. by third parties.

  1. If you use this system for the first time, please click "Registration for New Users" on the left of the web page to create your personal profile.
    * Please note that a confirmation email which will be sent to you upon completion of the "New Record - Input Form" does not mean the completion of your registration or reservation.
  2. After login to this system, you will be able to operate "Participation",
    "Accommodations", "Transportation", "Tours" and "Options",
    "Confirm/Change" and "Payment".
    (You can browse the above web pages except "Participation" and
    "Confirm/Change" without login.)
  3. You can complete your registration and reservation through this system.
    Please check the contents of the confirmation email which will be sent to your registered email address upon completion of your registration or reservation. Please make sure that your email address has been typed correctly.
  4. After registration or reservation, please make a payment for your registration or accommodation fee. Only payment by credit card is available.
    Please input your credit card details through the "Payment" page.
  5. No confirmation slip, invoice or coupon will be issued for the reservation.

此在線註冊和預訂系統“Apollon”由 DigiCert 服務保護。
您的私人信息將使用 DigiCert SSL 證書進行加密,以保護您免受第三方竊聽、偽造、欺騙等。

  1. 如果您是第一次使用本系統,請點擊“Registration for New Users”在網頁左側創建您的個人資料。
    * 請注意,在完成“New Record - Input Form”後將發送給您的確認電子郵件;並不意味著您的註冊或預訂完成。
  2. 登錄本系統後,即可操作“參與”,
  3. 您可以通過本系統完成註冊和預訂。
  4. 註冊或預訂後,請為您的 註冊費或住宿費。只能使用信用卡付款。
  5. 不會為預訂發出確認單、發票或優惠券。