【NOTE】 Applications cannot be made within 7 days of riding.
不能在上車前 7 天內提出申請。
【①-1 For NEW customers】
Register & Get ID >> HERE
*Please Note: After your registration is completed, an automatic e-mail will be sent. This does NOT mean that your application is confirmed.
【①-2 Login】
Please input your ID and password to login
請登錄並輸入您的ID和密碼 >> HERE
【② Apply for the trains】
Please select the train and the date of riding (Dates without operation will not be displayed). Also, please enter the name of the hotel where you will be staying in Japan, the name of the person making the reservation, and the date of check-in. NTA will arrange the ticket after your enquiry, then reply OK or NO to your registered email within 2 days. (If the train you applied for is more than one month ahead, we will reply 28 days before the boarding date.)請選擇列車和乘車日期(無運行日期不顯示)。此外,請輸入您將在日本逗留的酒店名稱、預訂人的姓名和入住日期。
在您詢問後NTA 將安排車票,然後在 2 天內回复 OK 或 NO 到您註冊的電子郵件。如果您申請的車次提前1個月以上,我們將在乘車日期前28天回复。
【③ Payment】
Please proceed to your payment by credit card after NTA replies OK and sends the confirmation to you.
請在 NTA 回复 OK 並將確認發送給您後,繼續使用信用卡付款。
【④ Pick Up Ticket】
After payment, NTA will mail the tickets to your hotel in Japan. Please pick them up when you check-in.
付款後,NTA會將観光列車票和餐票郵寄到您在日本的酒店。 請在入住時從前台領取。