
* * * We will frequently update this web site, therefore please come back to check it again. * * *

2024・6・7 Reservations for universal rooms at a few hotels became available.

2024・1・10 Application for [Accommodation] became available.

On this website, the following application will be accepted.
* Accommodations
* Payment (credit card only)
Please click the each of the left "Application" buttons.


Nippon Travel Agency (NTA) Sapporo Sales Office is pleased to welcome all the participants to The 8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2024will be held at Sapporo Convention Center during November 6-9, 2024.
We accept your accommodation for the conference for all attendants.

Nippon Travel Agency Sapporo Office


October 16th, 2024
(based on Japan standard time)

On this page, it is required to create a new account.
*You are unable to log in with the ID and Password of the conference registration page, however, it is possible to create a new account on this page with your same email and password of the registration page.

1. Please sign in after clicking the top left "NEW USER" button, and type in your details.

2. Please login with your e-mail address and password you have chosen.
(No login is required to view just room availability)

3. After login, you will be able to complete each of applications.

4. After the application, confirmation e-mail will automatically be sent to you.
Your procedure will be completed by checking "Confirm/Change" page.

5. Please click "Payment" button and select #3 on-line payment. Please follow the instruction with your credit card information. On finishing your procedure, all payment would be settled.

6. For any changes, cancellation or payment procedures, please refer to the left column.

7. For further inquiries, please contact us at


Date of cancellationCancellation charge
21 days prior to check-in datefree of charge
8-20 days prior to check-in date20% of accommodation fee
2-7 days prior to check-in date30% of accommodation fee
The day prior to the check-in date40% of accommodation fee
Before the check-in time of the day50% of accomodation fee
After the check-in time of the day or cancel without any contact FULL charge of accommodation fee

The cancellation policy above will be applied during business hours, from Monday through Friday, 9:30-17:30 JST(UTC+09:00).
*Closed on Weekends and Japanese national holidays.


Refunds will be made to your credit card.

Refund date:
In case of cancelling the travel before it begins, we will refund the accomodation fee within seven days from the day following the date of cancellation.
In case of changing the schedule or cancelling the travel after it begins, We will refund the accomodation fee within 30 days from the day following the last day of the travel.

CONTACT *Inquiry about accommodation

Nippon Travel Agency, the official travel partner of 
"The 8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2024"

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30-17:30 JST(UTC+09:00)
*Closed on Weekends and Japanese national holidays.
*If you have any questions regarding the registration for the conference, please refer to the official website of The 8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2024.

In charge;  
Nippon Travel Agency Co., Ltd. Sapporo Sales Office
Address:South 4 West1, Chuoku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0061, Japan
Certified General Travel Services Manager:Yuji OSAKA
*Certified General Travel Services Manager is representative of handling your travel in the office. If you have any questions about the travel contract, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Registered travel agency No.1674 approved by the Commissioner of Japan Tourism Agency.
Member of Japan Association of Travel Agents(JATA).